
Christopher K.

Alumnus at Portland State University

Current: Portland, OR

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Major: Fine Arts

My Advice for Exploring Graduate Business School

Do not limit yourself in thinking that you need to be a certain type of student or have a certain academic or even "traditional" business background when determining if business school is right for you. An MBA is an extremely versatile degree which allows for both personal and career transformation and can greatly benefit an an individual no matter what their age or where they perceive themselves on their respective career path.

My Future Goals

I have a deep interest in holistic, systemic and strategic design as well as a how design thinking and human centered design coupled with process improvement and a concern for maximizing environmental and ecological impact lend themselves towards iterating solutions to tackling the future's most pressing problems.

My Background

I started out as a studio arts major at the University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana (also the birthplace of the HAL9000 computer) who also dabbled in tech and web design back in the infancy of the Web (the late 90s). From there I followed multiple intellectual and professional interests and trajectories recently completing a masters in health care informatics and have been traveling coast-to-coast as a trainer and presenter in the performance consulting field helping individuals and companies achieve their optimal learning and productivity potential.

My Experience at Portland State University

Thus far my experience has been outstanding. The curriculum is rigorous, challenging and accelerated but there is a great support system in place and a camaraderie among the cohorts to help each other push through. The personal insight one gains in terms of their strengths and self-awareness and how they can leverage the curriculum for pursuing whatever personal and career direction they desire.

I'm passionate about...

Design Music Outdoors Environment & Conservation Science Tech

I'm involved with...

Human Centered Design Group innovation incubator Entrepreneur Club B-Impact B-Corp Consulting
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